The first time I generated cost effective leads

It was 10am on a Monday morning, I was trying to beat a bad case of the Mondays…when I checked my reports and thought “No way!”

Something just HAD to be wrong with what I saw.

I was looking at my computer and saw 250 leads for Drivin Communications (a company I generated leads for). Thats a lot of leads for 1 week (and I hadn’t spent any more on advertising)!! Woot!

Normally my marketing generated about 75 leads a week. So when all of the sudden I generated 250 leads in one week, this was a sign that SOMETHING BIG had happened which would change my lead generation level forever.

1 week earlier, I had changed the URL all my Facebook ads pointed to.

I was really afraid of this flopping because it was COMPLETELY different from the web page the ads use to point to and I hadn’t okayed it with my client…

Here’s what one of the previous web pages looked like:



It had everything the client wanted. A nice menu, a brief job description, the email for applications. They thought it worked great.

The results were alright. Not steller, not horrible. The Job niche they were recruiting for is pretty competitive and hard to get applicants for (no one wants to be a door to door salesman, especially in the Arizona heat). I was averaging 75 applications a week for them.

But there was one MAJOR problem I started to realize after putting all the money into advertising each week.


I would put all this work into optimizing advertising every week and there wouldn’t even be a slight uptick in leads!! Ughh.

I thought I could just push someone to a webpage, and they would be like, “WHHOOAAAA NICEEEE I’M GONNA EMAIL MY RESUME FOR THIS JOB!!!”

Oh stupid stupid Ethan….
This approach rarely works, yet it’s the only way most people know how to advertise jobs. Till this day I see people doing this everyday.

But it was around this time I started learning about a little marketing concept called “Landing Pages.

I learned simply pushing someone to my website was NOT a good strategy for lead generation, in fact it was pretty awful, unreliable, and makes people not want to give you their information.

So after devouring the work of some top marketers and talking with friends who were great marketers, I tried my hand at building a Landing Page that was psychologically designed to generate a lead.

If you wanna see it, here it is.

Now this was my first landing page ever, so there is a lot of room for improvement. BUT, the results taught me the extreme importance of learning to market properly.

It was the complete opposite of my previous webpage that had lots of info about the position and a huge menu.

I started understanding that lead generation was more about hitting certain psychological spots in someone’s brain to make THEM desire to give you their information…..not just trying to smash information into their face and then hoping they contact you.

My previous webpage generated 75 leads in 1 week.
This proper Landing Page generated 250 leads in 1 week.


I then repeated this successfully over and over. Since my traffic converted into leads over 300% better I could spend less on advertising.

This meant that my profit margin on this contract went from making $100 a month to making $750 a month!

I realized I could build landing pages that make people want to give me their information.
I thought to myself, “I’m gonna be alright in the future if I can do this.”

To this day Landing Pages are the most valuable tool in my marketing.

Tomorrow I’m gonna show you how I started refining my landing pages for other industries, and started generating leads for Real Estate….and had people look FORWARD to giving me their information.

Look for the email tomorrow.

Till then, have a great day
-Ethan Sigmon

P.S. Comment with one of these two things:
1) Do you actually look forward to giving anyone your contact information? If so, who?
2) Do you spend any money on online advertising….or are you planning on it? Where do you advertise?

I read every comment!

Reliable sources (his girlfriend) say, “He’s the smartest man in the world.” However, besides being the proud parent of a miniature poodle, novice bull rider, and aspiring Olympic skeet shooter; Ethan Sigmon is the CEO of Opesta, a licensed real estate agent, and a licensed insurance producer. You don’t want to miss any of his original content. Get his content emailed to you weekly! Click here