Landing Pages

Lead generation is always changing

Lead generation is always changing So I told you in these other emails (first, second) how I knew my lead generation level would be higher forever. But here was the problem: I STILL HAD TO BUILD AND MANAGE THE LANDING PAGES. Now don’t get me wrong…. I fully expect to always “have to do some […]

Would landing pages work for real estate?

Would landing pages work for real estate? so now that I realized that I could change the web page I sent traffic to and people would fork out their information….. I was eager to apply this new found superpower to something else. I constantly played with the Drivin landing page and it started to do […]

The first time I generated cost effective leads

The first time I generated cost effective leads It was 10am on a Monday morning, I was trying to beat a bad case of the Mondays…when I checked my reports and thought “No way!” Something just HAD to be wrong with what I saw. I was looking at my computer and saw 250 leads for […]

The Steps to Creating a Social Marketing Campaign for Real Estate

Tips and tricks you can do today to get buyer and seller leads from social media There is so much noise in real estate about social media marketing that it’s hard to know what works, and what you should spend marketing dollars on…if anything. There is no doubt that social media provides one of the best online […]